16 Most Evil Psychopaths In Literature

12. Anton Chighurh - No Country For Old Men By Cormac McCarthy

Anton Chigurh Gif €˜When I came into your life, your life was over€™ are the chilling words from Anton Chigurh. If there is one trait you don€™t want a psychopathic cold-blooded assassin to have it would be indestructibility. No matter how far or fast you run he will be on your trail and not even broken bones will stop him. His torture device of choice is a captive bolt gun that he uses to gain entry by removing locks from doors and also killing off anyone who gets in his way with a straight shot to the head. We follow him as he hunts down the innocent Llewelyn Moss who got caught up in an incident where a drug deal had gone wrong. Chigurh is an €˜unstoppable evil€™ with eyes €˜like wet stones€™ he also goes down in literary history as one of the most truly disturbing characters in literary history.
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