17 Bizarre Body Modifications You Won't Believe Exist

12. Eye Jewelry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_3Jit2qyzs As a general rule, people don't like to have their eyes messed around with. Not certain body modification enthusiasts though, as shown by the fairly recent practice of eye jewelry. Small objects are placed under the eye's membrane, clearly visible underneath. If you have a (totally rational) fear of having pointy things in your eye, DO NOT watch the video above.

11. Scarification

Scarification is a bit like tattooing, except your top layer of skin is literally cut away. This leaves behind a permanent scar, usually shaped into specific patterns. Scarification has been practiced by tribes around the world for thousands of years, and has been picked up enthusiasts that want something even more lasting than a simple tattoo.

10. Elven Ears

Since the new millenium, the demand for these elf ear modifications has skyrocketed. Now, this could be because of safer, modern surgery techniques, or it could be because of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Either way, this one is great for live action role-players that never want to take off their costume.
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