17 Bizarre Body Modifications You Won't Believe Exist

9. Belly Button Removal

Belly buttons are pretty weird things, and there are certain people that absolutely hate them for whatever reason. Fortunately for these people, it's possible to undergo surgery to have them removed completely, leaving recipients of the treatment with totally smooth, unbroken stomachs.

8. Stalking Cat

Stalking Cat became a minor celebrity for his extensive body modifications, which were designed to make him resemble a cat as closely as possible. Overall, Stalking Cat had 14 surgical procedures, including facial implants, silicone injections, split lips and a robotic tail.

7. Tongue Tattoo

Tongue tattoos have the remarkable ability to make 99% of the general population feel a bit sick. It's either the idea of having a needle jabbed repeatedly in one of the most sensitive parts of the body, or just the fact that it can make it look like there's a slug wriggling out of someone's mouth.
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