17 Problems Only Hotel Workers Will Understand

3. When All Hell Breaks Loose Because The Wi-Fi Has Gone Down

How did we even EXIST before the internet? No hotel guest can truly cope without their beloved internet. You check your own computer and know if the Wi-Fi is down then you'll have no time at all before a stampede of angry guests are congregating around reception ready to shout a torrid of abuse at you as they can't believe this hotel has reduced them back to the times of the Stone Ages.

2. Wanting To Run Away Out A Back Door Because There's A Double Booking

The guest is here for their week-long stay but their is no room at the inn. All the other hotels are booked in the local area and you know any second you're going to have to approach them and deliver the bad news. Thoughts of breaking into the bathroom and hopping out the window are going through your mind but you walk towards the guest ready to stand in a wind-tunnel of screaming abuse for the next few minutes.
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