17 Things Only People Who Have Tried To Write A Novel Will Know

10. You Write A Sentence To Justify Binging On A TV Show

It's a classic case of "give a little, get a lot." Prospective novelists will be well-acquainted with the idea of writing a sentence or two to justify a few hours - or five - of television. You've just described your main character's hair and to celebrate this amazing feat you will now proceed to watch an entire season of Breaking Bad. It's only fair.

9. You Read Anything And Everything Whilst Claiming "Research"

And sure, sometimes it is research. You need to know about incarceration in America? Read "On the Yard" by Malcolm Braly, of course! ALL OF IT. Sometimes your research goes awry, though, and suddenly you're going through your summer reading list. A Song Of Ice And Fire and/or the Harry Potter series from start to finish, anyone? Somebody time me! For research purposes.

8. Fact-Checking Often Becomes A Journey Into The Unknown

If you're not careful, internet research can lead you on a long and endless journey down the rabbit hole. If you think getting lost in your summer reading list is bad, internet research can take a writer to the shadowiest corners of the web - the hardest part is pulling yourself away when you've gone all the way to the heart of darkness. You started with the purest intentions. WHAT HAPPENED?

7. The Thesaurus Is Your Friend

There will be times when your magnificent brain can't immediately supply you with the word you're looking for. Therefore it makes perfect sense for you to have thesaurus.com bookmarked, if not a physical copy of the thesaurus handy, or readily available, available, at hand, to hand, near at hand, within reach, accessible, ready, close, close by, near, nearby, at the ready, at one's fingertips, at one's disposal, convenient; informal get-at-able, on tap. Because repetition is boring.
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Mata graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Arts double majoring in English and Political Studies. She has an unhealthy obsession with books, television shows and pop-culture in general.