17 Things Only People Who Have Tried To Write A Novel Will Know

6. Writing Anything But Your Novel Becomes So Much Easier

Basically, any sort of writing unrelated to your novel will become a cinch to complete for no other reason than the fact that it's not your novel. You'll have made five blog posts about the internal turmoil of writing a novel in the span of three hours, but the word count of your novel itself will remain unchanged.

5. Writer's Block Really Does Exist

It can hit you like a freight train at any minute and there's nothing you can do about it but cry into a cup of lukewarm coffee. Writer's Block is the bane of every writer, none more so than the writer attempting to produce a novel. Trying to conjure up a single sentence or character motivation is so painstakingly difficult, your brain will start hemorrhaging from the effort.

4. Solo Dance Parties Are Frequently Required

When you've finally overcome your writer's block and have been writing for at least ten minutes, you probably need to get up and move around a bit - maybe stretch your legs. While a quick walk around the room will suffice, of course, nothing is quite as satisfying as breaking it down by yourself whilst no one is watching. When you're attempting to write a novel, taking a little time off from procrastinating to do a strange, solo dance can be very cathartic. And it's insane.

3. Creating Literary Frenemies And Feeling Like A Supreme Overlord

Sometimes you start to have conversations with characters you've created... and they're not always nice to you. So you kill them off. Just kidding: you're not George R R Martin... well, not yet. The best way to really flesh out your characters is to talk to them, of course - it's not weird, it's a certified writing technique! It's making excellent use of your fully functioning imagination. Okay, so it's a bit weird.
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Mata graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Arts double majoring in English and Political Studies. She has an unhealthy obsession with books, television shows and pop-culture in general.