17 Things Only People Who Have Tried To Write A Novel Will Know

2. You Will Go Just A Little Bit Crazy

There's something about attempting to write over 100,000 words that makes you go a little mad. All that talking to imaginary characters can really take its toll, not to mention the isolation - oh my! Writing is traditionally a solitary pursuit, after all. People who've tried to write a novel know that - after a while - little to no human interaction makes you a bit weird. Although a little social interaction will sort you out, probably, there's no telling what you'll say or do whilst in the company of others during your adjustment period. BLAGGHHH! Sorry, that just came out.

1. You Are Your Own Worst Enemy (And Always Will Be)

Attempting to write a novel is an admirable task, but one that requires a keen sense of perseverance. The biggest obstacle a person trying to write a novel will have to overcome is themselves. Every writer knows that they are their own worst enemy when it comes to writing a novel - you'll doubt yourself countless times and lead yourself astray based on this very doubt. Often you'll find yourself wondering why you're even bothering, which leads to further procrastination. You know that in order to get any writing done, let alone an entire novel, you'll have to fight yourself every step of the way, however, and coming to this realisation will allow you to reach your goals and fulfil your dreams. It may sound crazy, but hey, you'll be a much better person for at least trying, and when you're done... well, that means you're technically a novelist. What could be better than that? Like this article? Any to add? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Mata graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Arts double majoring in English and Political Studies. She has an unhealthy obsession with books, television shows and pop-culture in general.