17 Weird Things You Didn't Know About Death

8. Death Is Always Painful

Myth. This one is probably a result of Hollywood shaping everyone's expectation of what it is like to die. They all die in some heroic yet horrific way, gasping for air, blood is everywhere and it takes them just forever to pop their clogs. Although there are many people who do die in pain, it isn't the case for everyone. Those who are faced with the realisation that they are going to die are given plenty of medication to ease any terminal pain and others who have been in pain have said that they feel at ease in their final stages of this life because of the doses that they're allocated. Others begin to lose sensation making their body numb and added with the adrenaline, you can die without medication and still not be in any extreme forms of pain.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com