18 Feelings You Experience When You Give Up Smoking

7. Chubby

FOXFOXTurns out when you eat as many cakes as you used to smoke cigarettes you get real fat, real fast. You haven't quite got to the point where you can both not smoke and diet yet, so fat-you is going to have to remain (and potentially get fatter). You genuinely begin to wonder what would be worse: smoking-related death or obesity-related death, because at this point it looks like you're going to have to choose between one or the other.

6. Identity Crisis

NetflixNetflixSmoking was part of your image, part of how you saw yourself, and part of your soul. Can you really be cool without cigarettes? How will those cool people who are smoking know that you are just as cool as they are? How will you make friends (read: hit on people) outside a club when you can't saunter up to them sultrily and ask for a light? Now you're just a non-smoker like the rest of the nerds and, even worse, when you come out with the smokers and don't have a cigarette you feel like a massive odd one out.

5. Relapse

You went to the pub like an arrogant fool. Did you really think you€™d be at the point where you can have a drink in one hand and nothing in the other yet? There is nothing as sweet as the holy alliance of a glass of wine and a cigarette (or indeed, a pint and a cigarette. A whisky and a cigarette. A gin and a cigarette. A cigarette goes with everything). You got smashed. You smoked. You idiot.

4. Renewed Motivation (If You€™re Lucky)

ImgurImgurIf you haven€™t totally given up giving up post-relapse, then this is your time. So you had one cigarette (that you can remember) after a bottle of wine. It€™s fine, we've all been there, and we also all know it's not the first (or last) time you'll do something you promised you wouldn't when you've lost count of how many glasses you've had. You paid for it by feeling like hell in the morning, and it was gross waking up with a mouth like the bottom of a birdcage again. Not smoking starts to make sense!
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Jason Segel
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.