18 Feelings You Experience When You Give Up Smoking

11. Self-Loathing

This is usually the period where you begin looking back at your first cigarette and both hating yourself for having it and nostalgic for just how good it was. Wouldn€™t it be nice to be thirteen again and just have a little cigarette...except it wouldn't because young-you was an idiot who got you into an addiction which has cost you hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds and potentially taken years from your life.


NBCNBCPizza and sweets and bacon are the only things that have prevented you from throwing yourself out of a window at this point. If you aren't eating, you're probably shouting at someone. You know that this isn't the most sensible way to go about things, but last week you yelled at your manager because there wasn't paper in the printer, even though it's your job to put paper in the printer. It's a choice between fat future-you and jobless future-you.

9. Slightly Better

NBCNBCIt may take a few weeks, or a few months, but you€™re over the hump! Probably due to the numerous cakes you've been eating every day since you quit and now you're feeding an addiction to sugar instead. It's best not to think too hard about that, as you're sure to jump that hurdle when you come to it. Or lose all your teeth. Either way, just think about something else for the time being.

8. Defeatism

DisneyDisneyWhen you first gave up smoking you looked at every "stop-smoking timeline" you could find online. All of them told you that after a few weeks you'd start to have an improved sense of taste and smell, that you'd feel better about exercising, and, most importantly, that the majority of your withdrawal symptoms would have subsided. They lied. You still feel awful.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.