18 First World 90s Problems You Don't Miss

18. The Storage Capacity Of A Floppy Disk

1.44 megabytes? What the hell are we meant to do with that?! Back in the early days of the modern internet, some of us were still stubbornly using floppy disks - even after the introduction of CD-ROM, and nine times out of ten we'd use them for all the wrong reasons. Say we were putting school work on them - we'd actually spend our time filling them with stuff we'd downloaded from the web, and the disks would also be full of soundbites from South Park and "patches" for games like Championship Manager, and there'd be no space left to save our work.

17. Wanting Some Privacy But The Phone Wire Won't Stretch Far Enough

The house phone rings (you don't have a mobile phone) and one of your parents answers. It's a boy/girl from school (the opposite sex of whatever you are) and your face has gone red, your parents are looking on with embarrassing enthusiasm and you want them out of the way. They aren't going anywhere, so you take the phone elsewhere - only to get stopped in your tracks just before you get out of earshot by the pesky wire. What a bummer.

16. Forgetting To Buy The TV Guide

You want to know what's on television, so you go to look in your ever-faithful TV guide... only to find you forgot to buy it! Good lord! Never fear, Teletext/Ceefax is always an option... but you want to know what's on tomorrow or the day after and neither Teletext of Ceefax will tell you that kind of advanced information! Is there no God?!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.