18 First World 90s Problems You Don't Miss

15. Blowing Into Your Game Cartridges (But It Fixes Nothing)

Back in the 1990s, the solution to EVERY instance of a game cartridge not working was to simply blow in to it - even though you were advised not to - in order to "get rid of the dust" and make it work again. In the event of this highly technical method failing, the anger you felt was palpable! "Is it working??" "No!" "Have you blown in it?" "Yes!!!" "And it's STILL not working?!?!" "NO!!!"

14. Discmans Skipping

Despite claiming to have an anti-skip feature (technically known as "electronic skip protection"), you'd be out jogging (or walking, or even just SITTING STILL) and your favourite song (probably something by the Spice Girls, All Saints or the Backstreet Boys) would sound completely unrecognisable thanks to the incessant skipping. Trying to run to a particular beat ended up looking like you were suffering from some kind of involuntary spasm.

13. Renting A Movie From Blockbusters, Only To Find The Previous Customer Didn't Rewind It

Be kind, rewind, right?! Wrong! Nine times out of ten when you rented a video from Blockbuster, despite the company's insistence, the previous customer hadn't rewound the tape, giving you the painstaking task of having to sit through the rewind yourself - which usually took (what felt like) twice the length of time of the duration of the film itself.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.