18 First World 90s Problems You Don't Miss

6. Your Tamagotchi Dying

Screen Shot 2014 07 18 At 17 55 34 Tamagotchis were one of the many fads in the 1990s, along with things like Troll dolls, Pogs, Sea Monkeys and those little aliens in gooey eggs that got "pregnant". Lots of people spent lots of time nurturing their little digital pet, feeding it and playing with it at regular intervals to keep it healthy and happy - so the horror when one missed Tamagotchi-related chore resulted in its death was palpable. Some people even cried as if they'd lost a real pet!

5. Spending Too Much Time On MSN

Oh MSN, how we miss thee. It was THE way to communicate with friends back in the 1990s and we had so much fun with it that we ended up logged in 24/7. The magical moment that your "special someone" logged on, the even more magical moment when you saw them typing to you, the introduction to emoticons that it gave us, the sending of those animated "winks" and the ability to actually send sounds (WHAT?! WOW!) were just some of the things that made it so brilliant. Staying up using it until you fell asleep at your desk was one of the things that didn't.

4. Wanting To Use The Internet When Someone Was On The Phone

The 1990s were dark days when it came to the internet. Nowadays, we can go online whenever we want. Broadband is a separate beast to the land-line telephones in our houses so, if someone is using the land-line telephone, we can till use the internet at our leisure. Back in the 1990s, if someone was using the phone, we had to wait until they were done talking! Worst. Wait. Ever.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.