18 First World 90s Problems You Don't Miss

3. Someone Picking Up The Phone When You Were On The Internet

Even worse than having to wait for someone to get off the phone, just so you could get on the internet in the first place, was already being on the internet and someone disconnecting you by picking up the phone! You could have been in the middle of an online game, in the middle of a download or in the middle of a group chat with five friends and some inconsiderate a-hole would pick up the phone without asking you if it was available! The rudeness!!!

2. Your Ridiculous Internet Bills

Back when the internet was dial-up, the costs were in accordance with that. Just like being on the telephone, your bills were relative to the amount of time you'd spent online. In fact, if you were to log on at peak cost times (usually before 6pm on an evening), the costs were ludicrous (and, given how tempting it was to go on the internet, most people did end up going on before 6pm "just for a few minutes" - which ended up being several hours). Many a phone bill came to hundreds of pounds/dollars more than people were expecting.

1. Seeing People On Mobile Phones

Towards the end of the 1990s, mobile phones were just starting to come in to prominence. Bulky forms of mobile communication technology had been around for years, but they were reserved for the filthy rich and businessmen. The 1990s saw the beginnings of the sleeker, wireless telephones that we know and use today. However, when the first wave of "ordinary people" started using them, the majority of us thought they looked like complete and utter douchebags. Walking around with the phone stuck to their ears - probably not even talking to anyone - and turning up their ringtones and message tones to maximum levels so that EVERYONE WOULD KNOW THEY HAD A MOBILE PHONE! Nowadays, of course, we all use them - they're second nature and essential for daily life (seriously, how did we ever live without them?) - and we realise that our hatred of 1990s mobile phone users was probably out of nothing more than pure envy. So there you have it - eighteen absolute first world problems straight out of the 1990s. Did you like this article? Did you suffer these same problems back in the 1990s? Which other first world problems did you encounter back then? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.