18 Joe Rogan Experience Podcasts You Must Listen From 2019

14. 1353 – Rob Zombie

The episode with Rob Zombie was a particularly fun one, especially if you're a fan of horror movies and heavy metal. If you'd seen Zombie talk about his movies and music before, then his stories about how his work was created won't come as too much of a surprise.

However, if you haven't heard about how some of the best modern horror movies have been made then this is certainly one to watch. One of the more hilarious stories Zombie explains the process of bringing his first movie, House of 1000 Corpses, to the screen and how it all went downhill with Universal Studios during a test screening.

Considering the movie came out 20 years ago, it's funny to see how Zombie reflects on the film now and how the feelings around it have changed since it was first released. The legendary musician and filmmaker is an awesome storyteller and injects the perfect amount of humour into every bit of the conversation.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.