18 Joe Rogan Experience Podcasts You Must Listen From 2019

13. 1314 – Charlamagne tha God & Andrew Schulz  

This episode might've come as a bit of a surprise, as there was no announcement of radio personality, Charlamagne tha God, and hilarious comedian, Andrew Schulz, coming onto the show. However, neither of them disappointed as they had a hilarious conversation with Rogan.

Although Rogan's episodes are amazing when they're focused on a specific topic, The Joe Rogan Experience was originally built on him and his group of friends having a laugh with one another and this was one of those episodes. The trio riffed off each other brilliantly from the beginning, cracking jokes and sharing hilarious stories with that will have you chuckling throughout.

There are plenty of highlights from this episode, specifically Charlamagne's belief in Bigfoot and a very interesting take on NBA legend, Magic Johnson. If you're looking for an episode that is light-hearted and is guaranteed to make you crack up then throw this one on. Trust us, you won't be let down at all.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.