18 Most Powerful Disney Villains Of All Time

13. Gaston

Film: Beauty And The Beast Though Gaston is a brute of a man whose vanity and narcissistic tendencies make him unbearable to be around, if this all he was, then he wouldn't be that much of a villain. Just more of an annoyance. But with vanity comes pride, and with pride comes an over inflated ego that cannot stomach rejection to the extent that he turns violent. When Belle rejects Gaston's marriage proposal despite not having any other suitors, the oaf is baffled and angry at her decision. As Belle is beautiful (the only quality that he sees in her), he is determined to make her his trophy wife and devises a wicked plot to force Belle into an unhappy marriage. He has her father locked up in a mental asylum after Belle goes missing and whilst Maurice claims that she has been kidnapped by a Beast, he uses the truth against him. So not only does he take her father away from her, he also tries to murder her one true love, Prince Adam/the Beast, because he is determined that she is his and only his. Gaston, you silly (yet handsome) brute. All of those eggs were no match for the Beast it seems. Power Rating: Gaston is massive. He is literally built like a barge and whilst he may have alliances with others who will do some of his dirty work for him, you know that you're not wanting to have a fight against him any time soon.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com