18 Most Powerful Disney Villains Of All Time

12. Governor Ratcliffe

Film: Pocahontas Ratcliffe's xenophobic and rather racist attitude towards the natives, or 'savages' as he calls them, shows just how easy it is for people to believe that they are superior by the colour of the skin and the way that they live. Whilst it is true that he knew things that Pocahontas and her people knew nothing about, it also works both ways as you're pretty sure that Ratcliffe wouldn't have been able to survive in James Town if it wasn't Westernised. He basically creates a war which has stemmed from his greed to find gold, which doesn't even exist, and he has no qualms in killing to get what he wants. Not even Percy could stay loyal to him in the end. Power Rating: Ratcliffe has been entrusted with this mission by the King and it supposed to maintain a sense of Britishness throughout. However, he treats his men like slaves whilst he rests in a tent of pure luxury. Determined only to find gold and live the rest of his life in wealth, he uses his position to his advantage in order to abuse the system and get what he wants. His lack of morality also allows him to get away with it so easily.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com