18 Problems Only Artists Will Understand

3. When Your Imagination Exceeds Your Abilities

It's easy to get caught up in your imagination when you're as creative as an artist; dreaming up a piece takes no time at all. In your head, it's perfect: the detail is immaculate, the colours are rich and enchanting, and the piece as a whole is nothing short of remarkable. On paper, however, it's a different story: the lines aren't right, the shading is atrocious, the colours are less Monet and more toddler-with-a-crayon, and the piece is far from remarkable. Unfortunately, everyone has to, at some point or another, come to terms with the fact that imagination is infinite but ability, unfortunately, is not. False hopes are the worst. Thanks, imagination.

2. People Asking You To "Draw Them Something" (Or Worse- Draw Them)

Art, like singing or dancing, is one of those talents that people expect to be performed on demand. Artists, especially those who draw, will be well familiar with the acute aggravation of some intrusive person coming up to them and ordering them to perform: "Draw a cat! Draw an eye! Draw ME!" They never seem to take into account that you might be working on another, more important project, that you might want to be left alone at the moment, or that maybe you just don't want to be their personal portrait artist! After all, you don't ask an accountant to do your taxes on command, or a professor to teach you geography. Remember: artists are people, not circus monkeys.

1. Being Told That "Artist" Isn't A Proper Career Choice

napoleon dynamite jon hederParamount PicturesSigh. Artists have heard it all before: art is impractical, there's no guaranteed success, you need a back-up plan, blah blah blah. Y'know, it will be a great and triumphant day when people finally realise that art isn't so much about making money than it is about passion. Artists are insanely passionate about their craft, and that burning enthusiasm is what keeps them going. Sure, they might have to work an extra job on the side to help make ends meet, but getting to make a life out of doing what they love? That's priceless. So, artists, if people are looking down on your dreams, remember Kevin G's words of wisdom: kevin gnapoor mean girls hatersParamount Pictures Are you artist? Do you identify with these problems? Have you got anything to add to the list? Let your voice be heard in the comments below!
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College kid with an affinity for sarcasm and sleeping too much.