18 Problems Only Claustrophobic People Will Understand

4. Crowds Everywhere

The problem with crowds is that they can form anywhere and any time. A wall of people is just as suffocating as any barrier made from brick and it€™s even worse if you happen to be short and find yourself surrounded by people. As you push through, all you find is more and more bodies in your way. You want to take off all your clothes and escape, but all that will achieve is make you look even weirder than your profuse sweating is already doing. Going to see a film on its first weekend, it might be best to wait until the buzz dies down. Shopping on a weekend, then avoid the busy crowds in shopping centres. Going to a gig, stay away from the mosh pit and order seated tickets at the back. And if you can, don€™t use public transport during rush hour. Anywhere you know that will be crowded, then avoid it if you or risk another panic attack.
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Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.