18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

9. What Is Technically Possible Is Less Important Than Politics

OK, so we€™ve been pretty hard on users so far but, realistically, when it comes to the enterprise market it€™s not really their fault. Hands up muggles who are still using XP at work? You know that OS is 13 years old and almost totally out of support? Some are finally moving to Windows 7 and Server 2008 but that€™s 6 year old technology too. How are people supposed to get used to new technology if the bosses don€™t give them new desktops? Why does that server at work run so slowly? Why are there always ten systems instead of one? Politics. One simple thing, politics. The technology available today from Microsoft and others is truly next generation but so many businesses are still stuck in the past. IT is never seen as something worth investing in because it €œjust works€. Then you have the projects that tech support workers get involved in from time to time. When you get called in for your technical knowledge and expertise. The project starts with lofty goals, and lots of money to spend, but it all gets blown on contractors, mismanagement, testing, ridiculously complicated and unnecessary changes, management systems, and by the time the project is deemed a €œsuccess€ so much has been €œdescoped€ that you might as well not have bothered. Replacing old hardware, software and applications is difficult, costly and very time consuming. So everyone does the minimum to get by and sod it.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.