18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

10. Computers Need Maintenance

A €œstandard€ desktop PC in 2014 is staggeringly complicated, especially if it has a high end graphics card and SSD setup. People used to ridicule the Windows startup song that told you it had loaded in a triumphant musical overture, but realistically the fact that a PC switches on at all and produces a picture on the screen is incredible. It takes such awesome precision of engineering, physics and coding and yet people complain when it runs €œa wee bit slow€. The analogy we offer is, would you leave your car running for hours on end, leave trash all over it, pour coffee and water into the petrol tank, neglect it and hit it? No, because a car needs maintenance. Well so does something that has billions of transistors inside it working at speeds beyond our comprehension. Techies know how to keep a system running well. You limit your start-up programs, clear out or archive old files, create regular backups, keep an eye on event viewer, and every now and again you might want to defrag or refresh your whole system. This is because all those logs and those duff programs you install leave traces behind, little bits of stuff that the system has to deal with when it should be doing something else, like what you€™re telling it to do while you stab at the mouse or touchscreen and click on as many things as you can, thereby making the problem worse. Get CCleaner and run it regularly, it€™s the only trusted PC cleanup tool available for free.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.