18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

7. Helping Family With Their PC (Laptop/Tablet/TV/Remote Control/WashingMachine)

This point will likely resonate with a great many professionals; doctors (can you just take a look at my ankle a minute), nurses (is this supposed to look like that that?), and solicitors (can you get me off with this speeding ticket), but when you work in IT family members expect you to know about everything with a plug attached. Whether it€™s the sound system, Smart TV, digital camera, BluRay player or washing machine, they think you have some mystical powers like Lucy and can manipulate electronics with your mind. Now, as any good techie will tell you, we do know a whole lot about most of those things but it€™s like trying to teach a 2 year old to do calculus as we show you the buttons and tell you what to do but you completely ignore us. The worst is trying to give them support over the phone for their latest calamity or spurious program they€™ve installed. This writer recently kitted out his family with the Microsoft Surface because it does everything they need, can be reset in a heartbeat, doesn€™t install viruses and, best of all, can be controlled remotely so there€™s no more €œclick on the explorer icon. No, not the internet explorer, file explorer. No, not that one€ sigh. Why people seem incapable of reading messages on the screen is simply beyond us. €œIt says click next to continue, what should I do?€ Oh. My. God.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.