18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

6. Every Hack In Every Movie Is Bull

Sci-fi movies get a pass on this but the ones that are supposed to exist in the contemporary world do not. Almost without exception, every hack, OS, bug fix and password crack you€™ve ever seen in the movies is absolute horse manure. The encryption used on any decent system would take every computer Google has millions of years to crack. Chloe from 24 doing it in 5 minutes on a laptop is beyond nonsense. Obviously there needs to be some artistic license taken, trying to film the reality of everyday computer hacking or packet sniffing and the audience would be asleep in seconds. But these films build a false expectation in the public psyche that IT is really easy and you just click a few buttons. Now, granted, if you€™ve never enabled the administrator account on your Windows system, changed the password then disabled the account you leave yourself open to anyone hacking in, but nobody would be stupid enough to not do that, right?
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.