18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

5. Clicking On €œFix My Registry€ Won€™t Fix Your Registry

Once again this applies mainly to XP and mainly to home users but you know all those internet pop-ups that promise you they can make your PC run faster by cleaning your registry? They lie. It€™s malware. Do you people even know what your registry is and why you should never give access to it to some random program? Everything your Windows machine is and does lives in the registry. It€™s a catalogue, a database if you will, that controls every aspect of your operating system from the internet home-page to what address you send your bug reports to. Giving access to some unsavoury piece of code leaves you open to any number of attacks that you wouldn€™t even know were happening. The general rule is, if it pops up on a website and you didn€™t specifically search for it, don€™t install it. Sometimes that will mean closing your browser window completely but it always requires you to read what the message says. It€™s a known fact that even if you put a message on the screen saying €œI am a virus and will wipe your system, please click OK€ a large portion of people will click OK just to get the thing off the screen. This is how botnets are made.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.