18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

1. How Dangerous Android Really Is

Android is free, Android is great, Android is everywhere, but Android is a disaster waiting to happen. There€™s a reason that the BYOD revolution bypasses ad-droid devices and that€™s because the system is so open that a random flashlight app you install can end up sending location information, or worse, back to some server that you would never know about. For all the faults of iOS and Windows Phone, and even the slowly rotting corpse that is Blackberry, you are extremely unlikely to encounter a virus on any of those platforms. The same is true of the much maligned but incredibly capable Windows RT. But Android accounted for over 90% of mobile threats in 2012/13 and there is little sign of that abating. If you have an Android phone or tablet there is a reason it€™s free and a reason you have to sign up for Google€™s services, you are basically allowing them to monitor what you do in order to better sell you more stuff. They scan your emails for keywords and offer you products based on things you might not want people to know about. Anti-virus and security programs exist but how many of you spam-droid users right now have one installed? You might as well print out your personal information and hand it round the street.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.