18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

2. The Joy Of Finally Getting It Working

If there is one thing that unites all techies, it is the absolute pleasure of solving a problem. It€™s what we do. We were the kids who took the remote control apart to see how it worked and managed to put it back together again. We were the ones who opened and closed the fridge door to figure out where the sensor was and why the light went out. So when a customer calls in or a ticket appears and you get your teeth into a really juicy problem it makes techies tingle with excitement. Yes, we may get frustrated, we may hit things, swear, threaten to kill Bill Gates or be found mumbling apparently incomprehensible rubbish to the wall, we do love a challenge. Incidentally, sometimes talking to a wall is exactly what you need to do. Sometimes we don€™t need someone else to tell us the answer, we just need to verbalise it and usually only get halfway through the explanation before tailing off and walking away with a metaphorical light-bulb hanging over our heads. But when you do find that faulty little dll or the dodgy bit of code in your mega-complicated script, or you manage to get that cluster up and running on an eSX host with iSCSI to a backend SAN you can likely be found dancing around pointing at the screen shouting €œha, take that machine, I beat you again€. Just us?
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.