18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

15. Users Lie

Just like Doctor Who and House, users lie. Constantly. About everything. No user will ever admit to what they really were doing right before having to call Tech Support. €œI don€™t know, it just stopped working€, €œI came back from the toilet and it was like that€, €œI let Janet use my computer earlier and now it€™s not working€. These are all lies. But then €œI clicked on something I shouldn€™t have€ or €œI got frustrated and hit it then the screen went funny€ or €œI spilled coffee on it€ are probably not the admissions that people want to make. But here€™s the problem; just like going to the real doctor, however embarrassing it may be to admit the truth, doing so will help us to fix the problem faster. Fixing a computer, or almost any piece of technology, is like detective work. You need to know where to start and if users give you false clues you can be off investigating some issue that doesn€™t exist. If you deleted files from Windows\System32 because it €œsounded dodgy€ or by €œmistake€ you need to tell your friendly tech support team otherwise when they do find out what you did your picture goes into €œthe book€ (and possibly a slide deck for the Tech support team€™s Christmas party where we get together and discuss just how dumb users really are).
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.