18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

13. We Fix Things With Hard Work, Not Magic

As we€™ve already discussed, tracking down an error can be a laborious and thankless task. It is done out of honour and professional pride but despite the aforementioned Wizards/Muggles comment we are not in fact, magic. Yes, we understand this digital world in a way the ordinary person on the street doesn€™t and we know far more about how chip and pin works that the shop-keep who insists on telling you when to type in your PIN and when to take your card (despite it telling you on the screen how to and you having used them since said shop-keep was still in nappies), yes we can describe the process by which your request for an internet page results in WhatCulture duly arriving on your screen but we are not really magic. Also, being called a €œstar€ is patronising so please stop it. Would you say that to the Doctor who just cured your fatal disease? Or to the solicitor who got you off with the driving charge? No, so please respect the Techie and give your support team the respect they deserve. And that guy that you think is really surly and moans all the time is only doing so because he€™s sick of telling people like you that if you don€™t back up your files we can€™t make them reappear by shouting alakazam at the computer. It takes a good number of years and a lot of study and exams to get qualified in IT and the goal-posts are moved constantly. It takes a lot of effort to stay current and know how to fix any OS from NT4 to Windows 8.1. Respect the techie, they may not be magic but they can work miracles if you ask nicely.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.