18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

12. The Annoyance Of Dealing With Other Tech Support Lines

If there€™s one thing guaranteed to strike fear into the heart of any Tech support worker it€™s the thought of calling another tech support line. You just know that you€™re going to get the first level support guys who know how to change passwords, update an address and read through a script. You also, likely, know what€™s wrong and have already run through every test they can think of in their script. It€™s like when Rimmer had to shout €œwhiteholespewingtimeenginesdeadairsupplylowadviceplease€ then break it down word for word. You want to call and be able to say €œput me through to level 2, this is agent Brown, code 765986€ but no, just like everyone else we have to sit through some untrained script monkey going through their lines one after another completely oblivious to the pleas of €œI€™ve already tried that€. Although, in full disclosure, there are always those few times when come across that one first line support, usually a female, who really knows their stuff and puts you to shame as you exclaim €œof course I€™ve tried that€ while frantically following the suggestion and finding it fixes the problem. That€™s an awkward moment, trust us. But as a general rule it€™s a soul sucking experience that is best avoided.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.