18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

10. Act Normal In Elevators

Everyone€™s rushing around, noises blaring and lights blazing, the usual chaos of rush hour in a city, yet when we step into an elevator we immediately fall silent, afraid to even breathe for fear of breaking the unwritten rules of lift usage. Of course, if we€™re alone in an elevator there€™s no problem; we€™re free to go about our business as we wish. If there are other people, however, we must achieve a level of silence that even Trappist monks would find stifling. Of course, some social norms regarding elevators have to remain in place for hygiene's sake, so indulging in bodily functions like coughing, sneezing or scratching oneself naturally puts the offender on a lower moral level than murderers, but it€™s the little things €“ the shuffling of feet, the rustling of carrier bags, the soft tinkle of an agreeable ringtone €“ that modern society must start overlooking if we€™re all to stay sane.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.