18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

3. Give Someone A Gift For No Particular Reason

If you randomly give someone a gift you get one of two responses, either €œwhat have you done that you€™re apologizing for?€ or €œwhat favor do you want from me?€, yet gifts are cool always and even better when they come out of the blue for no particular reason. Perhaps if we all start to give random gifts to those we love, or even to complete strangers, the world will become a little less cynical and stop assuming that a kind action automatically equals a hidden agenda. Tips for avoiding a cynical response include not baking or cooking anything as the receiver will assume you€™ve laced it with a diarrhea-inducing chemical meant to cause mirth among the group, and never giving clothing as this will be taken as a direct criticism of their fashion sense.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.