18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

2. Hang Out With Our Parents More Often

Have you noticed how, as we get older, we spend less and less time outdoors with our parents, preferring to hide away inside the home lest their presence detract from our phenomenal level of cool? After all, we€™ve got to keep those Instagram likes coming and that Pinterest account doesn€™t promote itself. Yet parents are cool. They€™ve been there, seen it, done it and could teach us a thing or two about rock €˜n€™ roll. Take our parents to the cinema to see Saw III and they€™ll shock us when they say they prefer The Shining. Hell, take them to a marijuana farm and they€™ll tell us it was better in the sixties. Simply, we can still learn a lot from our folks even when we€™re old enough to be making grandparents of them, so take them out once in a while and be proud to say they€™re your genitors. Oh, and remember: even if you€™re an adult child, your parents took on a lifelong responsibility when they conceived you so it€™s only right that they should foot the restaurant bill and pay for the movie tickets.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.