18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

14. Ignore Our Phones Sometimes

The mobile phone has made us all contactable 24/7. Unlike in the days of landline phones when we could avoid a call by saying we weren€™t home, we carry our mobile phones with us wherever we go like an asthma inhaler. The caller, therefore, knows full well that if we don€™t pick up we€™re avoiding them. This must have led to numerous jealous spouses assuming their other half is having an affair, or friendships falling apart as people take monumental offence at being ignored. The fact is that human beings sometimes just don€™t want to talk. It€™s nothing personal; we just require a bit of solitude to keep functioning. Switching our phones off once in a while, then, shouldn€™t have to lead to social suicide and dying lonely. We're just exercising our right to go to the bathroom without maintaining an ongoing discussion about where to go for pizza later. That power down button? Don€™t be afraid to use it.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.