18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

13. Hug Instead Of Shaking Hands

Come on, no one really likes handshakes. Even in formal situations there€™s always an element of awkwardness that makes both parties cringe, plus there are complications like clammy palms and dirty fingernails that turn a handshake into a minefield of potential embarrassment. Do we go quick and firm, slow and steady or limp and apologetic? You see? What should be a simple meeting of limbs is actually an anxiety-ridden nightmare. The answer? Let€™s hug each other, because hugs are awesome no matter the situation. Old friend? Awesome hug. Dear Aunt Doris? Awesome hug. Pizza delivery guy? Surely the most awesome hug of all. While a handshake or smile can be delivered with insincerity, you can€™t help but make a hug real simply because it feels so good to wrap your arms around another human being.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.