18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

12. Give People Proper Directions When They Stop You In The Street

It€™s the nightmare situation: we€™re walking along happily lost in our headphones when a car pulls up alongside us and the driver asks for directions. Fact: no one confronted with this social calamity has ever given proper, detailed directions that actually help the lost person. This is for two reasons: firstly, despite knowing the area intimately our heads immediately evacuate all knowledge of the surrounding streets simply because we€™ve been put on the spot; secondly, on a deep unconscious level we resent having our personal space invaded and thus decide to be as politely vague as possible in the hope of sending the driver over the nearest cliff. Of course, there€™s always the classic opt-out of €œsorry, I€™m not from around here€, but if we say this we run the risk of having to hang around the street corner like a lunatic for ten minutes so the driver doesn't see us walk into our nearby house. How many lost drivers are still out there, endlessly looking for that Taco Bell? Let's help them out.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.