18 Weirdest Celebrity Trainwrecks

8. Kanye West Is The Biggest A-hole In America

Ah, Kanye West €“ the hip-hop prodigy and sonic innovator with such a massive opinion of himself that he compares himself to deceased icons like Jim Morrison, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney, and brands like Nike and Google. He€™s named himself the greatest rock star alive, the voice of a generation€ and an actual god. We€™re not making that one up. West€™s ego is so out of control that he doesn€™t have beef with fellow rappers or producers: no, he feuds with the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences and MTV. Despite being one of the most decorated figures in modern musical history, he still rages against the awards machine like a spoiled child whenever he doesn€™t get a Grammy or a Video Music Award. And then there€™s his creepy interruption of Taylor Swift€™s own VMA acceptance speech in defense of Beyoncé in 2009. You know the one. It spawned a million memes online and a dozens of bad comedy skits on television, and he kind of apologised for it without really meaning it. He teased doing it again with Beck at this year€™s event, again on Beyonc這s behalf. Those two need to get a room. As for his messianic pretensions: his sixth album Yeezus is named for a portmanteau of his own nickname €˜Yeezy€™ and Jesus, aka the protagonist of best-selling novel The Bible. West appeared with a crown of thorns in promotional material, and has actually paraphrased Christ€™s whole €˜who do you say that I am€™ speech in an interview, albeit as a six-year-old might: €œWhen someone comes up and says something like, 'I am a god,' everybody says 'Who does he think he is?' I just told you who I thought I was. A god. I just told you." Kanye West€™s filters are so flimsy that he can be relied upon to say something absurd practically every other week. Musical genius he may well be, but his narcissistic and utterly oblivious ramblings make him officially the biggest douchecanoe in the whole of the United States of America €“ and that includes the guys who think that pro wrestling is about legitimate competition and that Barack Obama is an African conspiracy theory.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.