18 Weirdest Celebrity Trainwrecks

9. Courtney Love (Sort Of) Grows Up In Public

Even discounting the well-documented drug addictions and related arrests and bad behaviour and even excluding the upheaval caused by her husband€™s suicide twenty years ago, there€™s no doubt that musician and actor Courtney Love has led a tumultuous life from a pretty early age. Growing up on a commune; being abandoned by her mother and emancipating herself to become a stripper; travelling to Europe to study and living with Julian Cope; her childhood and adolescence was anything but traditional. And then came her twenties, heroin, rock stardom and her chaotic relationship with Kurt Cobain€ Reportedly clean and sober since 2007, today Love is still constantly and consistently in the public eye for all the wrong reasons. Whether being sued for damaging someone€™s professional reputation with slanderous comments in radio interviews and libelous comments on Twitter, or careening through cringeworthy live performances and appearances, even at fifty years old she continues to be the living embodiment of what it means to be a celebrity trainwreck. In 2014, you€™re likely to get a sober Courtney Love. You might even get a professional Courtney Love. You could, potentially, get the Courtney Love that wrote and performed all of that incredible music, or delivered knockout, killer performances in movies like The People Vs. Larry Flynt and Man On The Moon. But in 2014, not many people care about any of those versions of Courtney Love. They€™d be disappointed if they didn€™t get the flailing, grinning, unpredictable and barely coherent messy blonde nightmare they€™d all come to love€ albeit from a safe distance.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.