18 Weirdest Celebrity Trainwrecks

5. Britney Spears Goes Into Full On Meltdown

The years 2006, 2007 and 2008 were not kind to Britney Jean Spears. In a barely controlled whirlwind she met, married, had two sons with and filed for divorce from dancer and white trash poster boy Kevin Federline, all in only two years€ and then the trouble really started. Newly single party girl Spears appeared to have completely lost it when, in February 2007, she randomly shaved her own head in public and was then filmed attacking a paparazzo€™s car with an umbrella in a fit of rage. In court depositions since then, her former manager has testified that she was more or less out of her mind on amphetamines, meth and various other uppers during this period, and was attempting to beat a drugs test of her hair that might otherwise have lost her custody of her sons to Federline. If that was the real reason for the abrupt haircut, then it backfired horribly. Child protection services heard evidence concerning the frequent mood swings, wasted nudity and rampant drug use taking place at her home. Coupled with concerns over their safety, that was enough for the courts to award her ex-husband full custody of the children. That€™s doubly damning when you consider that professional ratbasket Federline is the kind of guy that normally loses custody battles, not wins them. With Spears in and out of rehabilitation throughout 2007 and early 2008, the pop singer would eventually have control over her life and finances permanently transferred to her father €“ against her will €“ via a conservatorship: the kind of drastic legal step normally taken against the seriously mentally ill, who may pose a danger to themselves and their dependents. Despite the cleaning up of her act and her resurrected career since then, that conservatorship continues to this day.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.