18 Weirdest Celebrity Trainwrecks

4. Shia LaBeouf Turns His Life Into Obnoxious Performance Art

Never a stranger to controversy, it€™s Shia LaBeouf€™s shenanigans last year that have really had people asking whether he€™s feeling a little unwell. LaBeouf€™s short film HowardCantour.com had been shown at Cannes in May 2012 to some acclaim: but upon being published online in December 2013, eagle eyes spotted that the narrative was plagiarised almost verbatim from a comic book by veteran creator Daniel Clowes, without credit, consent or compensation. When confronted about it, LaBeouf appeared apologetic €“ only to be outed for plagiarising every single one of his apologies from other people. LaBeouf threw his hat into the ring for the award for €˜most obnoxious person of the 21st century€™ by skywriting €“ yes, skywriting €“ Clowes another obviously fake apology in January. A few weeks later, he declared that he was retiring from public life, appearing in public wearing a paper bag on his head with I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE written on it, and tweeting the same phrase over and over. This was revealed to be an art prank, leading to his appearance as a part of an art installation where he would later claim to have been sexually assaulted while wearing the bag. The goon would continue to walk out of interviews, say and tweet peculiar things and generally make a fool of himself in the following months. Finally, matters LaBeouf came to a head when he was arrested for disrupting a performance of Cabaret in June. He spent the night in the cells after spitting on police while resisting arrest. Hours earlier, he had been running around Times Square chasing a homeless man for his McDonalds. It transpired that LaBeouf had an issue with alcohol he was working to resolve. No kidding, dude.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.