18 Weirdest Celebrity Trainwrecks

12. Lindsey Lohan Becomes A Media Pariah

Actress and singer Lindsey Lohan€™s drug problems have been a matter of public record since she was barely old enough to legally drink: but that€™s hardly surprising in a child star. In fact it€™s completely expected, to the extent of being utterly clichéd. Most child star trainwrecks get started in their early teens, so it€™s the reaction to her arrests and over-the-top partying that we find weird here. Lohan had been shoved into the limelight by her godawful parents since she was three years old, modeling, acting and singing. Her mother was the one in charge of her career and made it the focus of her entire life, earning a tidy sum out of her in the meantime, while her father concentrated on doing coke and jail time. In the last few years of Lindsay Lohan€™s so-called €˜meltdown€™, she€™s had a few DUIs, a few drug possession arrests and some incarceration for that: nothing really close to the kind of car crash lifestyle that Robert Downey Jnr lived and Charlie Sheen still lives, to name but two. Yet Lohan€™s been eviscerated by the celebrity media and called all kinds of names for almost her entire twenties, patronised, berated and belittled. While Downey and Sheen, amongst others, have been given opportunity after opportunity to change and to save their careers over years stretching into double figures, Lindsay Lohan was written off within months. It€™s a weird, chauvinistic double standard that men with drug problems are called rock stars and icons and women are called every name under the sun €“ and it€™s the only reason that Lindsay Lohan belongs on this list.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.