19 Horrible Things About Life You Only Learn After Uni

12. Bloody Students

Funny Gifs Not Drunk Gif Even though you weren't one all that long ago, you somehow end up joining everyone in the general populace and blame student culture for anything and everything around you. It's only jealousy really.

11. It's No Longer Cool To Wear Your Best Uni Hoodie

Perhaps your most constant companion through the years of uni as the washing piled up and you still had no idea how to work the washing machine three years in, your scruffy, smelly and travel-worn free university hoodie is no longer acceptable as daily wear. It's time to man or woman up and use that washing machine, people.

10. Monetary Desperation

There'll come a time after uni where you're likely to have absolutely no money whatsoever. Perhaps that overdraft has kicked you squarely in the backside or you've spent far too much on food that week, but there'll be a low like this. In desperation, you turn to the loft of the parents' house, pick up all of your trusty childhood possessions and flog them for pennies at a car boot sale. Hey, at least you can afford a tin of beans afterwards right?

9. Student Discount Death

When you're a student, having a little card in your purse or wallet is the gateway to getting vast amounts off things that you buy. Unfortunately, these little cards also have clearly stamped expiry dates. We cannot even begin to tell you the pain you'll feel when that date expires. You now officially have to pay full price for everything and a trip to the cinema will now probably cost you a small pile of gold.

8. Gradual Pointless Purchase Obsession

Remember when you used to be baffled when your parents would buy the most bizarre kitchen implements and proudly use them once before never touching them again? There will come a day, when you've eventually got money, that you'll find yourself in a shop you never even knew existed and find yourself browsing for something to rest the big spoons on when you're making food. These items are totally pointless and make no sense, but you must have them anyway. Screw alcohol - you simply must have that tea strainer and matching tea cosy.

7. Dream On

Mr Bean Gif Eventually, after much perseverance, you will land a job. Unless you're extremely lucky, this job will have absolutely nothing to do with your degree or alternatively will be vaguely relating and will have popped up after you spent a few hours perusing the net for jobs vaguely related to what you want to do. Keep chasing that dream kids. You might get there eventually.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.