19 Horrible Things About Life You Only Learn After Uni

6. Daytime TV Still, Unfortunately, Remains Awesome

After honing your skills as a student by actively not studying and instead watching re-runs of friends and the very latest quality antiques programmes, you'd probably assume you'd grow out of this by the time you left uni. Nope. This internal desire to watch the absolute worst of the television remains very much alive within your soul, and there's nothing better than sitting down to watch that god-awful daytime quiz show while simultaneously browsing through jobs that simply don't appeal whatsoever.

5. Leaving Home Properly Is The Scariest Thing Ever

Leaving Home Gif Even when you left for uni, you still didn't really leave home truly behind. Your mum and dad were always there for you whenever you were in trouble and you always knew at some point you'd have to return for another run in the parents' household. When you eventually scrape together enough money to get your own place, leaving behind the home you've grown up in, seemingly forever, is truly one of the saddest and scariest experiences you'll ever have to endure. It's also pretty exciting though as well, and chances are you'll be back at your ma and pa's house the next week for tea.

4. Affording A Mortgage Is Actually Impossible

Buying A House Gif The news is always rabbiting on about no one being able to get on the property ladder, but it's actually incredible true. To get an actual house that you can start paying for for the next ten thousand years you'll need several thousand pounds, a half-decent credit rating and probably have to sell your soul to something called help-to-buy which sounds nice but is really full of hidden devils.

3. You Shall Not Pass!

Shopping for food as a student is a doddle. You simply wander around the shops and chuck whatever is cheapest into the trolley and leave immediately afterwards. As an official adult graduate, food shopping with your wage packet actually allowing you to buy things above Smartprice grade makes the shopping trip take much longer and you'll be doing it much more often. This means you'll be spending days of your life wandering around a huge supermarket repeatedly getting stopped by people who for no apparent reason decide to create an aisle roadblock with their trollies. It's horrible.

2. Your Other Half Is Actually A Pain In The Backside

If you're lucky enough to get a missus or mister who doesn't live thousands of miles away on Mars and you can maintain regular contact, there'll come a point where you take the plunge and decide to live together. Cohabiting with your love is a beautiful thing full of joy, wonders and the odd bout of the beast with two backs, but you'll also wind each other up something awful and spot all the flaws in the other person that you simply never spotted in the past. You gotta love it though. Happiness and rainbows can only amuse for so long. A good argument about where things go on the shelf in the fridge is good for the soul.

1. You're Old!

As horrible as it sounds, basically as soon as you're booted out of university, you're now officially an adult and have all the tools you need to get started in the world. It gets even worse when people you know from university start getting engaged and having kiddiewinkles and all kinds of other adult nonsense while you're still trying to cling to your childhood while the evil adulthood monster tries to drag you away. You may as well give up though; it's inevitably coming at some point. You may now spend several months reminiscing about all the wonderful things of your childhood such as Pokemon, pogs and running around in a circle going 'ahhhhhh!' for hours on end. So what did you learn after uni life? Did you go on to marvelous things or have a horrible time? Let us know what happened to you down in the comments!
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.