19 Things Only Argos Employees Will Understand

1. Talking To A Peppy New Recruit€ And Realising How Much You've Changed

They're all fresh-faced, dying to get stuck in and help the customers, positively jumping at the chance to go over to collection and make sure they've been with their respective patron every step of the way. It's sickening... but only because you remember what you were like at the beginning. Genuinely caring about people heaving their respective items back to the store for returns, processing a million orders a minute - it was wonderful. Now the second you clock in it's a minute-by-minute countdown until you can get that sweet release of lunchtime - unless the ticket machine goes off and you're banished to the stockroom for another 10 minutes... Is there anything we've missed? Let us know in the comments about your own Argos woes - or any upsides!
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