20 Absolute Worst Things About Being Unemployed

3. Peoples' Attitudes

Cinderellabitch Gif There's a common kind of misanthropy running amock on the Internet these days, usually summarised by 'people are the worst'. Which, you know, they're not. Sometimes, however, it can seem like the world and its billions of inhabitants are indeed against you. Usually when you're out of a job. People really can be judgmental, and it doesn't matter where you are, a bar or an opera house, a library or your best friend's house, the overwhelming negative attitude to the unemployed can spring from nowhere, silently or rather vocally accusing you of being lazy, a scrounger, or other such epithets. Even your friends and family aren't immune to this. After all, we're human, and it's entirely possible for them to have such a strong reaction to you being out of work. It doesn't stop it from being a big blow when someone you care about starts judging you for looking for work. It's kind of a crappy move to do to someone, but don't burn those bridges just yet. We're all human, and chances are they've totally forgiven you after you threw up on their shoes on a night out, or did a John Cleese and offended their cat. Forgive, ladies and gentlemen. You'll live longer.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.