20 Absolute Worst Things About Being Unemployed

4. 'Being Too Good' For Some Jobs, Apparently...

Robert De Niro Stupid Gif Okay, this is just silly, but some people actually believe this. Honestly, a lot of the time that you're unemployed, boils down to actually deciding just what the heck you want to do. Sure, you might end up at your local coffee house or burger joint for a while, but if you're lucky, you might actually be able to pursue jobs in other fields, otherwise known as fields you have even the remotest chance of actually being interested in working in. Yes, we know some people can be a little too fussy and won't deviate from the plan they've had in their head since they were an idealistic eleven year old, but the vast majority of people who turn down jobs are actually just trying to find something right for them. If they end up in a job they have no passion for, or no love for, isn't that worse than taking some time out to find a job you have a chance in liking? Sadly some people will never accept it, and so every time you respectfully decline every job going, they will decide you're too arrogant and snobbish, and want to stay unemployed...
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.