20 Amazing Secrets On Google Maps

10. The TARDIS

We got pretty excited when this was announced, and can you blame us? It's the freaking TARDIS! In Earl's Court! You can track down the famous blue police box on a special page Google Maps made just for the occasion, tying in with Doctor Who's fiftieth anniversary celebrations last year. It's bigger on the inside obviously, as you can click through not only to travel down the road and check out the time machine from different angles on the central London road but also go inside it and fiddle with all the wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff. Or at least look at it in awe.

9. Crop Circles

How's that for branding? The logo for Mozilla's internet browser, favoured by all geeks who think they're too good for Google Chrome, can be found in a field in Dayton, Oregon, along 45.72587, 123.64897. This piece of corn field vandalism was committed by - who else? - the Oregon State University Linux Users group, to celebrate the browser's fifty millionth download back in 2006. The circle covers a whopping distance of 45,000 square feet, making it pretty impressive and almost certainly not the work of UFOs. Still, there are crop circles of less obvious (or maybe terrestrial) origins to be found on Google Maps...so long as you want to believe. And can be bothered to go look for them. Which we can't.

8. Car Crashes

Thankfully none of the Street View cars have been involved in any accidents - besides the donkey, as far as we know - but Google seem to have something of a knack for capturing other vehicles in such sticky situations. The owner of this VW Camper in Rio de Janeiro (-22.867614, -43.334434) seems to have only just realised that it's gone up in a fiery ball of flame, and the guy from Google doesn't look like he's going to get out and help. The image has since been blurred out on Street View, a fate that befalls the majority of car accidents Google capture. At least you can still go find this flipped car in Krefeld, Germany at 51.191813, 6.343564.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/