20 Awesome New Emojis Coming To Smartphones

15. Popcorn

Popcorn's use as an illustration for light and tasty cinema snacks is immediately obvious, but its potential as a life-saver for those of us caught in the middle of other friends having an argument is huge. To set the scene for you; a group iMessage conversation between yourself, Friend A and Friend B suddenly turns sour. Friend A suggests you all meet up in a bar after work as, well, it's Thursday or something and why not. Friend B suggests then going out for something to eat but is denied by Friend A, who has leftovers in the fridge they've been saving. Friend B says not to worry as they were hungry at lunch and ate it already. Friend A, obviously a bit annoyed at having their food taken, gradually moves the conversation on to fridge etiquette and how Friend B really should have asked first. Friend B tells them to loosen up and starts bringing up all of Friend A's personal floybles. After about half an hour of this, and just as it starts to get pretty mean, you can simply drop the popcorn emoji on them to remind them that you're still here and enjoying reading the whole thing. See also: the comments on every single YouTube video.
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Managing Editor

WhatCulture's Managing Editor and Chief Reporter | Previously seen in Vice, Esquire, FourFourTwo, Sabotage Times, Loaded, The Set Pieces, and Mundial Magazine