20 Awesome New Emojis Coming To Smartphones

14. Thinking Face

If there's one emoji lacking for the current repertoire (besides a cat doing that wide-eyed "get away from me" back arch), it's something that can be dropped in to signify a break in the conversation. Some sort of placeholder. Something that lets everyone in the conversation know that, although some sort of resolution is required, nobody can be bothered to do it right now. Enter Thinking Face, soon to be the ultimate gesture of ponderment. Imagine trying to decide between going to Nando's or Wagamama's that evening immediately after you've had your lunch. Impossible. Thankfully, Thinking Face will be there for you to say "yeah, I'm nowhere near hungry enough to decide now, but I'll think about it", without actually having to say it. Suitably usurped by our old friend Lightbulb emoji when a decision is reached.
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Managing Editor

WhatCulture's Managing Editor and Chief Reporter | Previously seen in Vice, Esquire, FourFourTwo, Sabotage Times, Loaded, The Set Pieces, and Mundial Magazine