20 Best Ever Joe Rogan Experience Podcasts

3. No. 1368 - Edward Snowden

It was a historic moment when Edward Snowden copied highly classified information from both the NSA and the CIA about current and ongoing surveillance programs across the US and Europe and shared them online. This resulted in him fleeing the country and forced him to seek asylum in Russia after his US passport was revoked.

The American whistleblower exposed how the US government used major telecommunication companies and websites such a as Yahoo and Google to acquire people private data and information. It also created tension between the US and its allies, as the documents revealed many countries world leaders were being spied and monitored through various means.

Despite Edward unable to be in the US for the podcast, he was able to join them via a web chat. Not only does this podcast highlight the US governments attempts to silence Edward and label him a traitor, it also gives Edward a chance to discuss the changes in national security and individual privacy after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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I am an open minded guy who is always up for trying new things. I love playing video games, watching and critiquing the latest films and tv shows and a big fan of football. P.S, I hope you are all doing well during these challenging times and that you have a great day.